a pastel green colorwork sweater on a wooden hanger, in-progress
  • Lace 
  • Cables
  • Colorwork
  • Sleeves done!

(almost) monogamous august

August went by super fast, like most of this crazy year – and this is weird for me, I’ve pretty much only knit on one single project, aside from a few repairs.  I usually have 3-4 WIPs going!

At the beginning of the month, Caitlin Hunter released her fourth top in the Knitaly series, the Misurina tee.  I’ve knit all the others so far –  Tegna, Marettimo, and Navelli – so of course I had to knit the newest one, and I had some yarn saved up for a colorwork yoke, so I was ready to cast on immediately! 😀 

(This is my sixth Boyland Knitworks knit, so I think I might need to hunt out some more designer variety soon, haha.)

three stacked yarn cakes, two pale green, one multi-speckled white

My yarn is from Despondent Dyes (MC) and Oink Pigments (CC).  I purchased them during a couple trunk shows at my LYS, Knit Locally, and both were total impulse buys.  I had no plans and didn’t even realize they would go together until I was caking up a bunch of yarn purchases all at once, recently.

These yarns are all listed as sport-weight, so I definitely had to swatch, and ended up going up a couple needle sizes.  They’re a little higher-twist than I’m used to, and I don’t love the way it looks close-up, but I’m hoping they’ll relax more after blocking.  My swatch did relax fairly well after a brief wash, so possibly an actual soak on the full sweater will do the trick.

a colorwork yoke knit in-progress, laid flat on a table

The yoke on this sweater has everything – lace, cables, and colorwork!  That might seem intimidating for some but it’s really quite approachable in the pattern.  I found it very engaging to knit the yoke because of all these elements, though cables aren’t my favorite.  (I did most of the cabling without a cable needle – let me know if you’re interested in a video on that.)  The colorwork is much lower-contrast than I was expecting (I guess the Standing Ovulation has more green in the speckles than I thought!) but it’s grown on me.  Of course, I think the photo filters bumped up the contrast, but it was super hard to get the green to photograph right without any filtering!

You might notice I adjusted the neckline a little.  The pattern calls for a rolled edge that turns into a twisted rib after a few rounds, but I wasn’t sure I liked that look, or whether it would work with this yarn/gauge.  So, I did just the 1×1 twisted rib, and I love how it looks.

Side note – I am SO GLAD this is a top-down circular yoke.  I knit the other three Knitaly sweaters because I loved their look, but wow are bottom-up sweaters tedious…

a pastel green colorwork sweater laid flat on a patterned pillowcase

As you can see, I knit the sleeves before the body, which is something I’ve gotten to like doing lately, particularly for short sleeves.  I repeated the lace chart on them (without increases), substituting one knit stitch for the cable section, because of how my stitch count worked out.  Now that I think about it, I could actually have continued the cables too, which I kind of regret not doing.

Anyway, I’m onto the body now so momentum has slowed a little.  I’m doing the purl dots chart, which I screwed up on the very first round but full steam ahead anyway.  I’m not sure how long I will make this (I tend to accidentally crop a lot of my knits because of a desire to be done), but I’ll give it a try-on soon and decide if the sleeves will block out to be long enough.  If so, I might try to use up the whole second skein and make this a tunic-length sweater??  That sounds ambitious for me, but let’s see!

Are you also knitting a Misurina?  Tell me about it in the comments, or tag me on instagram!


a modern style portrait of shelly and her black cat

In the meantime, here’s a great portrait of me and Belladonna by my friend R.E.M. Verberg!

testing, testing

Is this thing on?  

Right, I didn’t want to do a podcast, so here we are blogging again.  I’m a serial blog-abandoner, yet I felt the need to try again.  This time it’s independent; I’m planning to write about my knitting, share videos about techniques and how I do them, and eventually transition into a design blog.  

We’ll see how it goes!